Supply Chain Disruptions – What’s Next?

Unrest in the Middle East and a drought in Panama are causing ships to take alternative or longer routes around Africa and South America. Longer routes mean longer transit times, which could lead to delays in the delivery of goods, affect the availability of products in many industries, and increase costs. Few, if any, organizations planned for these events. Given the interconnected nature of the global economy, disruptions in one key area can have a domino effect on various industries and supply chains worldwide. What can an organization do to minimize how they are affected by supply chain disruptions? Upgrading their own processes is a great place to start by doing the following:
- Implementing new documents with your warehouses.
- Implementing new documents with your transportation companies.
- Implementing new documents with your transportation companies.
You are now facing a delay because the ship containing your products or goods must take longer or alternate routes. If you are using third-party logistics companies, they may have enough inventory available until the delayed products or goods arrive. The problem occurs when the warehouse in the eastern USA has the inventory that is needed on the west coast. How do you communicate with your third-party logistics company to move what is needed to the west coast? Implementing warehouse documents can send shipment orders, shipping advice, stock transfers, and stock transfer advice to and from the warehouses to move the products and goods where they are needed. Need help implementing these documents? Innovate’s Managed Services can help. We have worked with many of the large and small logistics companies to implement these documents. Plus, Innovate Managed Services can become your additional IT staff that can work with you and the warehouses to implement and manage all electronic documents.
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