ABA - American Bar Association
ACA - Areas of Competitive Advantage
AIAG - Automotive Industry Action Group: An industry organization formed to improve the competitiveness of the American automotive industry. It was an early developer of EDI standards.
AIM - Automatic Identification Manufacturers
ANA - Article Numbering Association
ANSI - American National Standards Institute: A non-profit organization chartered to develop and maintain voluntary American national standards. It is the U.S. representative to the International Standards Organization.
ASC X12 - ANSI's Accredited Standards Committee: The organization charged by ANSI with the development and maintenance of ANSI X12 standards.
ASN - Advanced Shipping Notice
ASYNC - Asynchronous data transmission protocol
ATM - Automated Teller Machine
BEA - British EDI Association
BISYNC (BSN) - Bisynchronous data transmission protocol
BPR - Business Process Reengineering
CAAT - Computer-Assisted Audit Technique
CBEMA - Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
CCITT - Consultative Committee on International Telegraph and Telephone: An association of international carriers and vendors responsible for generating functional and electrical recommendations for telecommunications and data communications.
CIDX - Chemical Industry Data exchange
CIS - Computerized information system
CLOUD - is a type of Internet based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. CREADV - Credit Advice Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
CREEXT - Extended Credit Advice Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
CRF - Credit Research Foundation
CRME - Credit Memo
CSF - Critical Success Factor
CUSCAR - Customs Cargo Report Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
CUSDEC - Customs Declaration Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
CUSREP - Customs Report Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
CUSRES - Customs Response Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
DCP - Disaster Contingency Planning
DLP – Data Lost Prevention
Data Lost Prevention – Ensuring that end users do not send sensitive or critical information outside your company either accidently or maliciously
DoD – Denial of Service Attacks
DEBADV - Debit Advice Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
DISA - Data Interchange Standards Organization: The non-profit membership organization that provides secretariat service to ASC X12.
EAN - European Article Number
EBDI - Electronic Business Data Interchange
ECE - The United Nations™ Economic Commission for Europe
ECR - Efficient Consumer Response
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange: The transmission of business transaction information in computer-readable form between organizations in a standard format.
EDIA - EDI Association
EDIFACT - EDI for Administration, Commerce, and Transport, the United Nations EDI standard
EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
EFTA - European Free Trade Association
EIDX - Electronic Industry Data Exchange
ERS - Evaluated Receipt Settlement
FACT - Federation of Automated Coding Technologies
FAX - Facsimile
GOSIP - Government OSI Profile: A set of OSI protocols specified by the U.S. government as standards for the government's new networks.
GTDI - Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange: A European standard for international shipping. Its formal name is UN/ECE GRDI and is also sometimes referred to as TDI or UN/TDI.
HDLC - High-Level Data Link Control: A communications protocol developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
HIBCCM - Health Industry Business Communications Council
HIPAA – Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
IBC - International Benchmarking Clearinghouse
IDS – Intrusion Detection Software
IFTMAN - Arrival Notice Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
IFTMBC - Booking Confirmation Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
IFTMBF - Firm Booking Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
IFTMBP - Provisional Booking Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
IFTMCS - Instruction Contract Status Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
IFTMIN - Instruction Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
Incidence Response Plan – A set of policies and procedures that outline the plan to recover and restore your company’s data after a security breach occurred
INVOIC - Invoice Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
IoT –Internet of things
IPS – Intrusion Protection Software
IS - Information System
ISO - International Standards Organization: The organization responsible for developing voluntary international standards.
ITT - Invitation to Tender
JEDI - Joint EDI: The JEDI Committee in the U.S. consolidating the work of TDCC and ANSI X12 in developing EDI standards; a separate UN/JEDI task group consolidating the work of ANSI X12 AND GTDI in developing the UN/EDIFACT standard.
JIT - Just-In- Time inventory management and production process
KEK - Key Encrypting Key
LAN - Local Area Network
LOGMARS - Logistics Application of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols
MAC - Message Authentication Code
MALWARE – is any software used to disrupt computer or mobile operations, gather sensitive information, gain access to private computer systems, or display unwanted advertising. It may be stealthy, intended to steal information or spy on computer users for an extended period without their knowledge. MHS - Message Handling System: CCYY X-400 communications protocol.
MRP - Materials Requirement Planning
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
ODETTE - Organization for Data Exchange Through Telecommunications in Europe: An EDI standard used by European automotive manufacturers.
ORDERS - Purchase Order Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
OSI - Open System Interconnection: A structure, based on seven-layer model developed by ISO for computer communication systems.
PAEB - Pan American EDIFACT Board
PAYEXT - Extended Payment Order Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
PAYORD - Payment Order Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
PIDX - Petroleum Industry Data Exchange: A task group within the American Petroleum Institute that is developing EDI standards for the petroleum industry.
PO - Purchase Order
POS - Point of Sale
QR - Quick Response
Ransomware – is a type of malware that restricts access to the infected computer system in some way and demands that the user pay a ransom to the malware operators to remove the restriction. REMADV - Remittance Advice Message: A UN/EDIFACT message
RFP - Request for Proposals
ROI - Return on Investment
SaaS - Software as a Service
SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control: A communications protocol development, comprising the analysis design, construction and implementation stages.
SISP - Strategic Information Systems Planning
SITPRO - Simpler Trade Procedure Board
SNA - Systems Network Architecture: A network architecture developed by IBM
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol: A communications protocol suite originally developed as research effort by the U.S. Department of Defense.
TDCC - Transportation Data Coordinating Committee: The original U.S. trade association dedicated to fostering EDI.
TRADACOMS - A domestic United Kingdom EDI standard developed by its Article Numbering Association
UCB - Unit Control Block
UCS - Uniform Communication Standard: The non-profit organization developing standards for the grocery industry.
UIG - Utility Industry Group
UNCID - Uniform Rules for Interchange of Trade Data by Teletransmission
UNSM - United Nations Standard Message: The UN/EDIFACT recommended EDI message.
UPC - Uniform Product Code
VAN - Value Added Network
VICS - Voluntary Inter-industry Communications Standard: EDI standards between apparel manufacturers and retailers.
WAN - Wide Area Network
WINS - Warehouse Information Network Standard: EDI standards for the warehouse industry
WP4 - United Nations Working Party 4 on the Facilitation of International Trade Procedure